
Monday, August 11, 2014

Bostonstuck 2014 Sunday

Hello my fronds. (Just kidding no one was even Meenah. We had like one freaking AWESOME Feferi god tier though.) Welcome back! And to those pieces of poop we met today, welcome in general. Here you will find the cosplay endeavors of that one Roxy from Sunday with the Mutini, and that one Gamzee from Sunday without the white face paint, but with the painted arms. Oh and horns. The other Gamzee didn't have horns. Hi other Gamzee. You were great.

So, Pictures.

First imma post the stuff before the photoshoot that I took around our rooftop strife. 

I just wanna say that this was probably one of the best times of my life. I joined this fandom after the start of the Gigapause, and this was my first opportunity to be with other people who liked it besides my moirail, who is the Gamzee described earlier. This fandom means a lot to me, and you guys all made this so amazing and fun. I'll see you all on tumblr and maybe at Another Anime Con :) Now fuck off you nook-sniffers.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

More Homestuck Casual Cosplay!

On Wednesday we were the Lalondes and on Thurday we were Gamzee and Karkat. Yay!
The endless majesty to be found in the paring of these to Lalonde girls is a thing of beauty. On the left, Rose Lalonde, gothic and complex. She has a strange relationship with her seemingly crazy mother, and prefers to delve into the dark arts of her Grimoire. 
On the right, we have the fun loving and heavily intoxicated Roxy Lalonde. Having never known her mysterious and wizard-obsessed mother, she drinks herself into a heavy stupor and b hasam been knownn to get jind a opf sloppy wiht her ttypiong when drun k (so all the tiem, wonk wonk ;0) 

Here we have me as Karkat again. I quickly made a long sleeve version of the shirt, which is more accurate, but it came out sloppy. ehhhhhhhh i dont care Karkat is good no matter what.

Here we see some of Karkat's interests: Romance films, hatred, yelling and pouting.

But every grumpy short little troll needs a tall, high friend to get him through the day, and so Karkat's Moirail is Gamzee Makara, aka, Maddog. Here we see Karkat shoosh and pap a distressed Gamzee, and a cHiLl GaMzEe SoOsH tHe FuCkInG TeArS OuT oF HiS BrO, KaRkAt.

GaMzEe Is A pReTtY cHiLl MoThErFuCkEr. He DiGs ThE sWeEt NeCtaR oF tHe JuGgAlo GoDs, AnD bElIeVeS iN aLl ThE mOtHeR fUcKiNg MiRaClEs, MaN.

AnD iF yOu GeT oN hIs BaD sIdE...
then you should really motherfucking KNEEL motherfucker!

hOnK :O) (MiRaClEs mAn. HoNk hOnK.)